Nah, who the hell am I kidding. I've had many a night of free time just watching mythbusters from end to end :D Ah, I love mythbusters so much. If I could have my dream job, it would probably be a mythbuster XD Explosives, engineering, and working next to Kari Byron.

Lol, I finally found the add image option on blogspot. Can't wait for this week to be over. It hit me just now that if you started studying the week before the mock exams, you've been studying for 3 straight weeks. Mugging for 3 weeks on end. No wonder I feel so sian of everything. I'll completely come loose at the end of it. In fact, I'll probably ride the battlestar galactica roller coaster just to blow off steam. Despite my fatal fear of roller coasters. Can't stand them really.
This would all be a lot easier if I had something to watch while studying. Unfortunately, my Blackadder CDs have gone kaput. I'll have to "amazon" it later D: Oh and in response to Jing Min, don't watch all of Dr Who yet, watch all of Blackadder first :D Its an excellent introduction to British humor and stars Hugh Laurie (super young :O) and Rowan Atkinson :D
A lot of things I own are super old. For some unknown reason. The very chair I'm sitting on, is 19 years old, first bought when my parents moved in. Older than me in fact. Cabinet too, bought a few days after I was born. My guitar, acoustic, passed down from my dad, is 31 years old. The same guitar that once played by my dad in the old Raffles Institution when he was 16, and probably had serenaded my mother too as well. My books are all variably old, some still in good condition, some with yellowed pages. Ancient relics of a simpler time I guess.
Oh in reply to the post Dylan made on his blog on greed and such, I think that not everyone knows what they want to do in life. It is a rare person that has all of life mapped out, year to year, day to day. Life in general is an unpredictable adventure (An overused metaphor, sorry) but there are general guidelines to life, just like you don't go hiking without shoes, you should not attempt to live life without money. TL:DR, although you don't know what you want to do in life, you should have the money in order to have the luxury to decide. As for me, if money was no object, I'll probably be a mythbuster or an English teacher :D Teaching english is kinda awesome. Being paid to show cool videos and discuss interesting topics, is like being paid to do what I do everyday anyway.
I'm just ranting at this point, for those who haven't noticed. Plans for the future. Talking to Jing Min today got me thinking. Is it worth it to go overseas for undergraduate degree? Its always been the plan. The Plan, to go overseas, get degree, come back, cushy job. But learning more and more about life tells me it won't be that easy. Sure, a good job for our qualifications is no struggle. But everyone is like, when I'm rich, when I have money... etc. Well, will it be that easy to be rich? Watching videos of smart young people starting world changing things like Blizzard, Id software and facebook gets you going, "Oh, I'll just do what they did." But you never see the 1000 start up companies that failed beside them. This kinda makes you think, "How to earn money?" Is a brand name undergrad degree really the first step? I'm not even sure anymore, my faith in the Plan, has really been shaken. Should I do research and engineering, my calling? Should I drop everything I know and learn finance and banking now for the money? Should I just put everything on the line and stake out to create my own start up? I get the feeling that I'm asking all the right questions. But for some reason I'm not getting any answers. I know I want the money first though, because someone once said: "money is hard, but motivations are cheap." Although I'm afraid going through the process of getting the money, I'll change into someone I'm not. Someone different from the person typing right now.
Ah well. The future is far away. Time to watch some Ricky Gervais to keep the bad thoughts at bay :D
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