Tuesday, August 31, 2010

News: 31/8/10 Awkward.......

Teachers day today was awesome. The skit was the most awesome though. Kudos to SC for finally standing up to the bloody turnstile. And the jokes were pretty funny. They put in stuff after I watched the rehearsal yesterday, so I was still pleasantly surprised :D

Dance was... Urgh. Most of it was fine, but some parts were so blatantly sexual. Ms Sie was like *epic facepalm* and I can't imagine what Dr Hang was thinking. Freedom of expression and all that, but it actually made me consider making it rain (+1 if you got that reference)

On my blog, I'm going to be direct and blatant, if this will serve as any historical reference. There will be no, "I'm so angry at someone for doing something" or "Someone was caught donig something with someone XD"

So believe me when I say "I have no idea where I stand on the whole Danielle thing" I mean the first semester it was funny and all, but now its just weird. Cos of the class getting more and more bonded, there's no way I can avoid that issue forever. Especially with Jing Min and Ronald tracking my every eye movement as she dances on stage, making the standard "Your nose won't stop bleeding XD" jokes.

Anyway, thats not the epic part. The epic part was the after party. As usual. So let me set the scene. 505 had just discussed an outing the night before, and everyone was pretty psyched cos we're getting to know each other better. But then, right before 505 outing, it turns out that the 403 old guard was available. Damn. Hard choice. Actually not really. I love 403 more than anything.

So I decided to go with 403. And juuusssttttt nice, 403 and 505 both headed to West Coast Plaza. Daammmnn. So I got caught between a rock and a hard place. In the end its awkward laughs and smiles.

After lunch, we got caught up in West Coast Plaza, and guess who i should run into. My ex-Primary school classmates. Shannon Baey specifically. Jan's friend, haven't seen her for years. No idea how she recognized me, but she did and called me out. I was stunned. I hadn't anything the slightest thing to say to her and her "gang" of highlighted hair friends backing her. Seriously, what do you say to a friend you haven't talked to for years, is friends with your ex girlfriend, and also has a beng gang behind her? So I said hi. And walked away. With the stares of the ENTIRE gang on my back. Daaaammmmmnnnnn. So awkward.

Anyway. Tioman on saturday, super psyched for that. Kbox on Wednesday. Super psyched for that too XD

And that was my day.

Woah. What is this place?

Woah. I started blogging again. Why did I do that. I guess its cos I'm always at my laptop all the time, and random stuff hits me at random times. Thats about it. Story of my life.

I read somewhere that people actually bequeath blogs to their children so that they can understand the life they went through. So this is it. My definitive biography. Someday, some kid will find this URL in my thumbdrive, and look up to me with innocent eyes, shining in curiosity and ask "Grandpa, what is this?" And I will smile proudly, nostalgia overwhelming me, "This is the story of me, of my life. These were the days of our lives." I think of my 403 friends. I think of our school. I think of 505, and the identity we're forging. I think of my teachers, of Ms Sie, who changed my views, my life. I think of the fun we've had. I think of the fun we're going to have. I think of the people who matter to me. When my life flashes before my eyes, these will be the things I see.

These are the days of our lives.