Friday, November 5, 2010

News: 5/11/10

T minus 4 days.

My cousin Darren, who is my gaming buddy, is now working at funan challenger and can stow a few so that I don't have to queue up. So any orders for Black Ops, can ask me.

I really have nothing to post nowadays. I mean this a template for my day. A typical weekday.

0800 - wake up
0820 - really wake up
0830 - play Civ 5, sims 3, or whatever game tickles my fancy
1200 - Hungry, sms around for lunch plans
1230 - Go out for lunch with guys, hang out for a bit
1400 - Afternoon plans like go out to orchard or hang around WCP
1800 - Dinner, hostel or otherwise
1830 - Hang out with 403 :D
2230 - Roll call, bathe
0000 - Sleep


Usually by the time I get to bed I'm super tired, and can't be bothered to post. I'm not even sure that these posts matter much anyway. Most people go to blogs to find out what other people think of them and their activities anyway. Plus, the people who actually read these I hang out with during the day. So logically, they want to find out the stuff that I won't tell them in person, but write about under the pseudo-safety of this blog. So I shall humor you. No one said I had to write the truth after all. ;)

Dylan. I know you're reading this. In fact, I'm right behind you...
You owe me 5 bucks if you turned around. You're an awesome person. More than anyone else I want to know you when we're like 40, cause you're a wild card :D

Gerlynn. Reading your blog makes me feel guilty that I haven't posted haha. You're going to have a wonderful life, that much's for certain. Just remember us when you write wedding invitations :D

Rachel. You're an awesome person too. We go back quite some ways, and you've always been there, 103 - 403 :D I remember our late night msn convos, and always logging off at 1030 to sleep lol. You've found happiness, don't let go. :)

Ming Yan. Another 1-403 :D You've been incredible throughout, from teaching me chinese to putting up with short jokes XD Kidding, kidding. Unfortunately, you seem to be following a road I cannot follow, which will probably end up in China XD Remember to send me an invite for my first trip to China :D

Jing Min. My rock of stability and moral compass. You've been there for me while adjusting to 505, and of course, helping each other through awkward scandalous periods, or sometimes making it worse XD You, Ron and KT make 505 awesome. JERKs forever :D

Stuart. Its not common to find someone sicker than me. So kudos for that too XD You always know what to do at the right times, and I seriously respect you for that. You're a great role model and awesome drinking buddy later :D

Wen Xiang. You're a stand up guy, but you can't live 2 lives, so pick one and be awesome at it :D 403 will never turn our backs to you.

Yan Ling. You're an enigma. Arguably the most successful single in NUS High, yet still unattached. Well, someone has to maintain that 5.0 amiright? :D But seriously though, go out with Zong, you guys could probably breed a new superintelligent race of humans :D

Bernard. Where to begin? You're awemazstounding. My wingman for life yo. It may be hard to see where life takes us, but you'll always be, my wingman :D

To anyone I've missed out, here's a handy form:

Dear [Your name here]
You've been [positive adjective] to me throughout [time span]

But seriously, I love you all :D

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